For the keen colporteurs wishing to fight cults...
see this video at 2:58. sanity4sweden explains that 'cult expert' steve hassan was on cnn giving advice on how to deprogram trump supporters..
so this must be political correctness on steroids.. i have occasionally heard the name steve hassan mentioned in relation to the watchtower.
but even watchtower helps people to escape cults.
For the keen colporteurs wishing to fight cults...
see this video at 2:58. sanity4sweden explains that 'cult expert' steve hassan was on cnn giving advice on how to deprogram trump supporters..
so this must be political correctness on steroids.. i have occasionally heard the name steve hassan mentioned in relation to the watchtower.
but even watchtower helps people to escape cults.
Hassan claimed Molyneaux was a cult, and then slowly as Rogan passively questioned him, pushed back a little, he changed his position, contradicted himself, claimed he didn't know too much about the details of his claims, but still decided he was a cult leader. I mean, this stuff matters. If anyone is going to go around saying people are in a cult, that person should be able to address those claims without the appeal to emotion and subjective terminology.
In UK (where I lived) we have a constitutional monarchy. The Queen is the titular head of the Church of England. But America has a president not a monarch - although in the days of the Founding Fathers, I understand it was suggested America should have it's own king.
Muslims do not separate government from religion.
What we see in Watchtower is an attempt through the Communist idea of stages of history coupled with Christ's 2nd coming, to establish a link between religion and government and justify rulership by a particular set of people.
It all comes down to values and priorities and the question of who says what is right. I think it was Louis 14th who said, "the State, it is I."
An elder told me that some elders believe that if you lie and you fool the other person, God gave you those words to lie with and the fact that the lie succeeded means that God has approved the lie. Well, Jesus said Satan is the Father of the lie. So it shows who WT and such elders serve. Certainly not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Watchtower play with numbers to get to the date 1914 to establish their authority. It's rubbish but people believe it. How ironic that there has been such controversy over whether or not the votes in America were counted properly. Values as their most basic. Have people been lied to or have they been told the truth? And if you dare to question whether or not you have been told the truth are you an... apostate?
see this video at 2:58. sanity4sweden explains that 'cult expert' steve hassan was on cnn giving advice on how to deprogram trump supporters..
so this must be political correctness on steroids.. i have occasionally heard the name steve hassan mentioned in relation to the watchtower.
but even watchtower helps people to escape cults.
See this video at 2:58
Sanity4Sweden explains that 'cult expert' Steve Hassan was on CNN giving advice on how to deprogram Trump supporters.
So this must be political correctness on steroids.
I have occasionally heard the name Steve Hassan mentioned in relation to the Watchtower. But even Watchtower helps people to escape cults. It too can define a cult and tell you how you ought to behave, according to it, Watchtower the bookselling, broadcasting, media company cult which we all know so well.
In the 70s and 80s there were people who used to kidnap those involved in religions like the Moonies or Scientology. It went to the court and the courts took action against the deprogrammers. Deprogramming extremists even used rape and agression as one of their methods.
But the courts said, the people involved in the cults had freedom of choice even if the relatives who had hired the deprogrammer felt otherwise.
The sad thing was that whereas you can see that intitially this all started with loving parents wanting to protect their children from exploitation, the tables turned and decent people with decent values were being kidnapped and treated badly by deprogrammers - who basically wanted money. Be it money for their services or money for their books. How very C T Russell and J F Rutherford.
do you think the world will be a better place?
more civil?
I am not in US and don't have that much insight into the elections but I found this video which kind of touches on the theme of the opening post.
But what struck me about this video was when David Knight talks about trust and how if you trust someone saying, "it's ok, we've got it in hand, just leave it to us," it can be a death trap. That's just like Watchtower and it's "leave it to the GB, just follow them, everything will be ok." Then the publishers follow the GB right over the cliff face.
(Matthew 15:14) . . .LET them be. Blind guides is what they are. If, then, a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit. . .
i think it does especially being that this organization is rigidly structured itself on formulated doctrines from a top hierarchy of men which are strictly enforced, among other reasons.
what cults are.
a cult is not necessarily a religious group, although religious cults are common, including breakaway sects from more mainstream faiths.
To define a cult is one thing.
Watchtower can define a cult and then say they are not a cult.
*** rs p. 202 par. 2 Jehovah’s Witnesses ***
A cult is a religion that is said to be unorthodox or that emphasizes devotion according to prescribed ritual. Many cults follow a living human leader, and often their adherents live in groups apart from the rest of society. The standard for what is orthodox, however, should be God’s Word, and Jehovah’s Witnesses strictly adhere to the Bible. Their worship is a way of life, not a ritual devotion. They neither follow a human nor isolate themselves from the rest of society. They live and work in the midst of other people.
Jesus said you identify people by their actions
(John 13:34-35) . . .I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.”
So you have to get to know someone before you can tell how they act towards you. I had to get to know and understand the one who called on me and offered to study the Bible with me. How could I just write her off as a fraud without listening? Even to this day I think she was sincere, however misguided.
People have to have freedom to explore - and those defining what a cult is can be just as much of a cult as those they are criticising. This is something I have learnt from Watchtower's tricks.
So if YOU look out for the well being of your fellow man, does your fellow man respond the same or do they not care about you? Do they act out of an obligation of contract, money and organization or as a brother or sister responding to you as an individual with integrity? Do they love you?
i was told that if a jw now gets caught reading or with old jw literature they can get dfed.
i doubt this is true but wanted to know for sure.
I got disfellowshipped for being caught with current literature and understanding it. But I view this as a positive.
if you don’t support certain ideas or beliefs, you may find yourself on the losing end in business, money matters, and community.
curt schilling, a former red sox player who is conservative today reported how his insurance company suddenly dropped him even though he was an excellent consumer with them because of his “ views”.
he was marked by those in charge and evidently was told by the rep he knew that they didn’t like his political views.
Hi Resolute Bandicoot - thank you for the link. Would like to share an experience.
I am one of those who sees a refugee as a little darling needing a home and safety. I see strangers as those who are to be welcomed and not perceived them with prejudice. Wait and see what they prove to be. It is SO easy to jump to the wrong conclusions. Give everyone as chance, that's my view.
And so on on ministry I went round tapping on doors and met many a smiling Arabic face. They would invite me in in. Feed me dates, cook me meals. Whole room fulls would sit and listen as I opened the Bible and read to them. Yes roomfuls of women and then even of men.
I had so many friendly conversations - they were kind to me. Some even wanted to take me back to Egypt with them. I thought that was a bit odd though. But one of them came along to the Kingdom Hall and I was able to show hospitality to others. So I had really good relations with these people. This was maybe about 15 years ago.
However in 2019, after at least 14 years of trying to reason with the GB, I got disfellowshipped for sticking to the words of the prophet Daniel.
Meantime a Muslim family had moved in next door to me. It all started off very friendly as you might expect but even though Watchtower was throwing me out, I still maintained my Christian faith and my ability to defend it. Therefore, when my neighbour began talking about his beliefs, I made sure he understood that our areas of agreement might be certain facts about Abraham and beyond that he should not expect me to agree with him because I was Christian. He presented as if he accepted my Christianity but then said I ought to watch a video by Sinead Oconnor saying why she converted to Islam.
The way it turned out - unless I submitted to his ways, ie abandon my Christian faith I was to be a target of his relentless hurt. I have stood up to this, just as I have stood up to the GB.
Observers say Israel will be sending me a medal for my outstanding performance in dealing with crabby cult members. Not sure it'll really be Israel - but I hope I put a smile on Jesus' face.
(John 14:1) . . .Do not let YOUR hearts be troubled. Exercise faith in God, exercise faith also in me. . .
if you don’t support certain ideas or beliefs, you may find yourself on the losing end in business, money matters, and community.
curt schilling, a former red sox player who is conservative today reported how his insurance company suddenly dropped him even though he was an excellent consumer with them because of his “ views”.
he was marked by those in charge and evidently was told by the rep he knew that they didn’t like his political views.
Great video on Cancel Culture
where does the idea that the creative days of the genesis account were 7,000 years long come from?.
genesis doesn't suggest that they were specific time periods, but shows that one "day" extended into others.
i feel that the clue is in the words; "and there was an evening and there was a morning, a first day.
Hello - this website is still under construction - so please just read the article - if you really have to comment under the article, the author Tadua will see your comment but I (techie back-room girl) might have to take it down if I do a rebuild for some reason. Also we have to approve the comment so - if it's a fair enough comment but doesn't show immediately don't get upset. I am still learning.
The article is called
“Yôm” and The Creation Account of Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 2:4
This link is good as at time of writing - but article link may change.
if you don’t support certain ideas or beliefs, you may find yourself on the losing end in business, money matters, and community.
curt schilling, a former red sox player who is conservative today reported how his insurance company suddenly dropped him even though he was an excellent consumer with them because of his “ views”.
he was marked by those in charge and evidently was told by the rep he knew that they didn’t like his political views.
I just found this news report about a prison chaplain who has been banned for 10 years in UK for exposing Islamic extremism in the prison services.
The sad thing about this is that in UK there has been a Christian tradition/culture of seeking to reform the criminal, so they repent and are set back on the right course. However imperfectly that is applied, it has its roots in mercy, hoping the person will change.
But imagine going to prison and being in a culture where you expected to submit to this kind of false religious doctrine. We know how bad WT is. This is WT on steroids.